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Lawler native relieves stress with marathons

Lead Summary

To say Dr. Jacqueline Evans loves to run is an understatement.
The 51-year-old Lancaster, Pa., oncologist who graduated from Turkey Valley High School in 1985, recently completed a marathon in Wyoming, an especially noteworthy achievement because it meant she had achieved her goal of running a marathon in each of the 50 states.
Evans, whose day job is helping people survive cancer, says she runs to relieve stress.
“As a cancer surgeon, for 18 years I was in my own solo practice and I took calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” says the daughter of Jack and Dianne Blazek of Lawler. “I carried the weight of the world on my shoulders, dealing with these awful diseases and working with women who you want to make better.
“Running is an escape for me. It’s just a few hours that I can get away from it all.”
The rest of the story, courtesy of Cathy Molitoris of Lancaster Online, may be found in the Oct. 19 Tribune.

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