Lake and Dam Committee looks to dredge Nashua lake

The Nashua Lake and Dam committee had their monthly meeting last week. Mary Beth Stevenson, Department of Natural Resources, attended the meeting to help the committee come up with a game plan to get the lake dredged.Stevenson, who works with the watershed improvement department, listened to what the committee wanted and then gave them ideas where to start.A watershed is an area of land that separates waters flowing to different rivers, basins or seas. The part of the Cedar River that runs through Nashua has a watershed from Nashua, north up past Blooming Prairie, Minn.The watershed of Cedar Lake has over 700,000 acres of land that drain into the Cedar River. Most Lakes have under 50 acres of land draining into each acre of lake. Nashua’s Cedar Lake has approximately 1300 acres of land draining into each acre of lake.Stevenson suggested that the committee start the process of assessing the river and to see where the most sediment is coming from. There are organizations already established to see what can be done in the agriculture areas to help slow or stop erosion. She told the committee to get involved in these organizations and that they would be great resources.For the complete story see the 10/13/2016 Nashua Reporter