Jendro Sanitation will continue serving Nashua

Community members have been asking for months now and the decision has finally been made. Jendro Sanitation will continue providing service for Nashua and providing the 1,526 totes for the City which were ordered as soon as the decision was made at the Monday evening meeting.There was much discussion about the City paying for the totes or if the vendor would supply them. Councilmember Ryan Jung talked to the City of Denver about the benefits of the City buying the totes instead of having the vendor supply them. Jung told the Council changing vendors would be easier for a future Council and it would add more leverage with a future vendor.The councilmembers had a chance to look over the bids of all three vendors which provided bids for the City. Bunn, Waste Management and Jendro Sanitation all attended meeting and were ready with questions from the Council.There are grants which the City of Nashua could apply for help with the cost of the totes but in the end Councilmember Brenda Roberts thought the City was not ready to sign on for the expense and believed getting the totes from Jendro Sanitation would be the best option for the City at this time.For the complete story see the 10/20/2016 Nashua Reporter.