It just wasn’t meant to be

The first set of a volleyball match against Waverly-Shell Rock was definitely the longest set Ellie Ewert ever played. “Honestly I wasn't tired, or didn't feel it at the time,” The Chickasaw senior said of the game that ended in a 33-31 Go-Hawk win. “I was too excited and pumped up to be tired. When I rotated out and got to sit on the bench, it was a nice break, but I just wanted to get back into the game!” Apparently all the Chickasaws had the same attitude. In each of the matches they trailed their WSR hosts and in each case they made comebacks that fell just short. Although the 4A, 13th-ranked Go-Hawks won in straight sets, the NH girls made the match a memorable one. New Hampton trailed early in the first set, but after an Ewert kill gave Savannah Anderson the serve, the Chickasaws went on a five-point run to take a 14-13 lead.The rest of the story may be found in the Oct. 4 Tribune.