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Whale of a party!

Lead Summary

The adrenaline in Christy Roethler’s voice was still loud and clear Sunday morning, but the co-chairperson of the committee that put on one heck of an Alta Vista Days celebration couldn’t help but laugh when she was asked about a possible nap later in the day.
“I think I’ll be ready, but right now, we’re still just so excited how it went,” she said. “All of us were talking this morning and we were talking about what was best and we finally just decided everything.”
Folks, it seriously was that good of a party.
The little town in northern Chickasaw County always holds its “Days,” but the 2019 version had 125 reasons to celebrate for the town celebrated its quasiquicentennial, the 125th anniversary of the city’s incorporation.
— For more on this story, see the June 4 Tribune

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