Turkey Valley volleyball plays in third consecutive Saturday tourney

Two volleyball teams — Nashua-Plainfield and Clarksville — dropped out of the Dunkerton Tournament that was held Saturday, due to flooding in their towns. There was no flooding in Jackson Junction, but Turkey Valley nearly became the third team on the absent list. "We almost couldn't get into Dunkerton," said coach Tammy Vrzak. Due to water on the road they were on, they had to find an alternate route. "The tournament started at 9, we didn't get there until 9:20. We called them and said 'we can't get into your town."' Vrzak didn't think the disruption bothered her team at all. "Honestly, I think Homecoming the night before affected us more. We had girls at the dance, Brooke [Herold] was the Queen, I'm not going to tell them 'be home by 10' on a night like that." Turkey Valley was 2-3 for the day, winning over West Hancock and Waterloo Christian and falling to Van Buren- Keosauqua, Clear Creek-Amana and Dunkerton. For more on the story, please see the Sept. 27 Tribune.