Turkey Valley shows mettle against Kee

Just the fact that Turkey Valley scored any runs at all in a doubleheader against third-ranked Kee Monday was a bit of an improvement.The Hawks have pitched 17 shutouts this year, including a 10-0 victory over the Trojans two days earlier at the Decorah tourney.At Jackson Junction Monday, both games were within reach, had the Trojan girls been able to slap together some hits. They couldn't, and dropped the pair of games, 6-1 and 6-2.Turkey Valley joins a long list of teams unable to hit against the Hawks. A pair of Cooper sisters makes up a formidable pitching corps that have an ERA of .83 for the season.In the bottom of the sixth, Shelby Reicks took a walk on four straight pitches and Emily Busta zeroed in on a 1-2 pitch and drove it up the middle.