Trojans looking for consistency

Turkey Valley's Tammy Vrzak would probably like to find a happy medium. After finishing the Upper Iowa Conference tournament Saturday with a 1-3 record, her Lady Trojan team — despite their 8-21 record — leads the conference in aces, with an average of three per set in all matches. The bad part of that is they are last in the conference in serve efficiency, with just over 85 percent of their serves going where they are supposed to go. There were other good numbers, and other bad ones during the UIC tournament, where the TV girls were defeated by league-leader Edgewood-Colesburg, along with Clayton Ridge and Starmont, all 2-0. Turkey Valley did win over MFL, also by a 2-0 score. On Thursday at Rockford, Turkey Valley won 2-0 over Valley Lutheran, but lost to Belmond-Klemme 2-1 and Rockford 2-0. In the Saturday 21-12, 21-15 win over MFL, a team the Trojans had not played yet this year, the kill efficiency for the team was very good at .452, led by a .750 by Kassidy Reicks and a .600 by Morgen Kuennen. As a comparison, Ed-Co leads the conference with an average kill efficiency of .262 in conference matches while going 8-0 in UIC play. The rest of the story may be foune in the Oct. 18 Tribune.