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TRIBE Trail ramps up for Phase III

Lead Summary

The money is nice, but the reality is that the annual TRIBE Trail Steak Fry is really more about “exposure” than it is about fundraising.
“We keep it out in the forefront more than anything,” TRIBE Trail Committee member Megan Baltes said. “It does make a little bit of money, but we’re looking at probably $600,000 for Phase III so getting the word out that we’re not done yet really helps.”
The steak fry is set for Sunday, March 29, and will be held at The Pub at the Pinicon between 4 and 6:30 p.m. Tickets for either dine-in or carry-out are $25 and available at the New Hampton Parks and Recreation Department, New Hampton City Hall or committee members Rick Kramer, Baltes, Mitch and Perry Laures at Vern Laures Auto Center, Lacey McGrath, Dan and Carol Messersmith and Denise Webster at First Citizens Bank.
For more on this story see the March 3 Tribune.

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