That time of the year

Randy Strabala doesn’t need a calendar to know that the 2016-17 school year is about to kick off.Instead, all the Nashua-Plainfield school superintendent needs to do is look at his e-mail and see the number of reports the school district needs to file.“I have a million of them,” he said, “and I’m only slightly exaggerating. ... Seriously, though, it’s that time of the year, and I think everyone in education gets a little excited when it comes to the first day of school.”And that first day — for students, at least — is Tuesday, and Nashua-Plainfield is ready. The floors are waxed to a shine and the hallways and classrooms have that “first-day-of-school” smell.Strabala will welcome the district’s new teachers today [Tuesday], and the entire teaching staff will have in-service days both Friday and Monday.For the complete story see the 8/18/2016 Nashua Reporter.