Supervisors hold budget, levy hearing
The Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors will hold its annual public hearing on its budget and tax levy this morning (Tuesday), but its chairman has yet to make up his mind if he will vote for it.
“I know we’ve worked really hard on this,” Jacob Hackman said, “but I think we really need to find a way to keep property taxes in check. I haven’t decided, but it’s concerning to me.”
The budget calls for an urban levy of $5.63688 per $1,000 valuation, a decrease of 1.8 percent while the rural levy for 2020-21 would be $8.87572 per $1,000 valuation, an increase of 1.4 percent, but because valuations rose, especially in urban areas, many of those taxpayers will see an increase in the county portion of their bill.
For more on this story see the March 17 Tribune.