Supervisors dividing up Rasing’s job

With Ken Raising nearing retirement, the Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors and Board of Health met to discuss the Environmental Health Director position that will soon be vacated.The two boards needed to come to a consensus on a variety of topics before advertising for the position.The position will not only entail becoming the director but being the land use administrator, contact person for the Heritage Residence as water tester and becoming the Landfill Director as well.The average salary for a director across the state of Iowa is $45,392. The county position is currently just a 35 hour work week position and the boards agreed on a salary of $38,220Rasing said the director position is a tough job to do and the person should be paid adequately.“You are arguing with contractors every day,” said Rasing. “If you don't pay well people aren't going to stick with it.”The director position also serves a liaison between the Department of Natural Resources and the county.For the complete story see the 9/16/2016 New Hampton Tribune.