Students star at FCCLA nationals

The medals were nice, as was the chance to travel.But ask any of the three recent Nashua-Plainfield High School graduates about their involvement in Family Career and Community Leaders of America and you will get a testimonial.“This will help me the rest of my life, that I have no doubt,” Mekenna Weiss said. “Just preparing a project taught me so much about organization, time management ... but more than anything, FCCLA taught me how to be a leader.”And she won’t get any arguments from Hailey Schmitz and Coral Fisher, the two other graduated seniors who took part in the FCCLA National Leadership Conference last month in San Diego.“To me, it’s an amazing organization that has taught me so much about people and about myself,” Schmitz said. “This was so worth it; I would urge anyone to get involved because it will change your life.”The three seniors were part of an eight-person Nashua-Plainfield contingent that shined in the national spotlight.All eight students took part in Students Taking Action with Recognition (STAR) Events.Weiss and Schmitz earned a gold medal in interpersonal communications, sophomore Kaylee Cerwinske earned gold in interior design, freshmen Ayla Houston, Nora Sullivan and Caleb Ulrichs received gold in food innovations.Fisher achieved a silver medal in teach and train while sophomore Ashton Lamborn did the same in recycle and redesign.It was, to put it mildly, a banner year at nationals for Nashua-Plainfield and its retiring advisor, Julie DeBower.For the complete story see the 8/11/2016 Nashua Reporter.