Something BIG is going on at school

You may have noticed some activity happening in the New Hampton downtown business recently known as the Boos and Straw Insurance Agency, but the building is now filled with students participating in the Iowa BIG North Program.The Iowa BIG program is a new initiative uniting businesses and students.The program is new to four school districts in North Iowa, but the concept is a successful venture from eastern Iowa where two school districts, Cedar Rapids Community School District and College Community School District, formed the original Iowa BIG.The school districts were awarded a Stem Best Grant in the amount of $25,000.Director of Strategic Partnerships and New Hampton High School industrial technology teacher Mike Kuennen said this is just one more opportunity for kids to learn and get more out of their school.Thirty junior and senior students from three school districts were offered this opportunity to invest their afternoons in ventures uniting students and area businesses.For the complete story see the 09/20/2016 New Hampton Tribune.