School bids in the hands of contractors
New Hampton School Board President Joe Rosonke admits there have been times he’s been a little frustrated.But the bottom line to him is this: In a month or so, bids will be opened and awarded and work on New Hampton’s $19.415 million school project will shift into high gear.Rosonke and other school officials concede that it’s taken longer than expected to come up with the final design of the new middle school, competition gym and vocational agriculture and industrial technology center than originally expected.“I’d say I’m frustrated and not frustrated,” Rosonke said, “and I know that sounds strange. We found things that needed to be corrected, and I know we keep saying it but we have one shot to get this right so a little extra time is worth it.”The School Board held a work session on Tuesday this week to look over plans prepared by Facilities Cost Management Group, the firm that is serving as the district’s owner’s representative on the project.