Rotary Club again kicks off its annual shoebox program

The New Hampton Rotary Club is once again a partner in the Shoeboxes for the Children of the Dump international service project. The club will send 80 shoeboxes filled with school supplies, clothing, and personal care products to students in Nicaragua.The students attend schools founded by an Italian missionary after he found many families living in the Chinendega city dump. Over the last several years, the New Hampton Rotary and other clubs have sent tons of supplies to the “Children of the Dump.”Volunteers in Waterloo inspect and organize the boxes and arrange for shipment in time for visiting Rotarians to distribute them in November. Club members have traveled to Nicaragua to deliver the shoeboxes and other supplies to the schools and villages. “Shoeboxes” and lists of supplies are available from Suellen Kolbet at city hall. Fill a box and return to City Hall by Sept. 9.Because of sales, now is a good time to shop for school items and summer clothing such as flip flops and shorts. It is the perfect project for families to do together. It introduces children to volunteerism and the needs of others.The goal is to send at least 100 shoeboxes and five layettes to children and mothers of Chinendega. The layettes will be given to new mothers who seek refuge in a home for abused women. If you have questions, call Suellen Kolbet at 394-5906.