Resounding champs!
New Hampton's Kallie Olson doesn't like to let opportunities streak past her bat."When I'm at the plate, I don't like to let the first pitch go," she said during the New Hampton Invitational Saturday. "I don't like to get down in the count."Turkey Valley's Kim Fischer found that out the hard way in the fourth inning of the opening round, as Olson took her first pitch and laced it for a grand slam home run.Those four runs helped New Hampton put away the Lady Trojans as the Chickasaws then followed with an 8-3 win over Denver and capped the day by winning their own tourney with a 9-1 victory over Saint Ansgar.Meanwhile, Turkey Valley's second round pitted them against Saint Ansgar, where they suffered a 13-1 loss and they also dropped a game to Denver.Olson's grand slam batted in four of the five runs in the fourth inning of a game that ended early with a 15-3 Chickasaw win. It was the fourth home run of the season for Olson, but her first grand slam."It's different from a regular home run," she grinned while looking into the outfield. "It's nice to see the scoreboard go up four runs at once."
More on the New Hampton and Turkey Valley games may be found in the June 20 Tribune.