Not quite there yet

New Hampton boys basketball coach Chad Sweitzer sat in Charles City’s new gymnasium Tuesday night and put it bluntly. “We’ve shown we can play with these teams,” he said after the Class 3A eighth-ranked Comets pulled away from New Hampton for a 78-64 win, “but these guys have to get over that hump. The lapses — with turnovers and defense — that crap has to stop.” And while he was at it, Sweitzer threw one other item that needs improvement between now and New Hampton’s first game after the Christmas break. “If we’re going to have to constantly dig ourselves out of a hole because we’re not ready to start a game,” he said, “we’re not going to beat these teams.” He paused for a moment and a small smile crossed his face. Why? You may find that out in a Dec. 23 issue of the Tribune.