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Supervisors canvass Nashua city special election

The Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors canvassed the Nashua city special election — which was held Tuesday, Jan. 23 — and officially endorsed the results during the board’s weekly Monday morning meeting.

St. Joe's students blow bubbles for a cause

Back in the day, chewing gum in school was most definitely a no-no.

Supervisors stick with original salary decision

After a lot of talk and some spirited debate — complete with a lesson from the county sheriff — the Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors voted 3-1 to keep the salaries of elected officials at the same levels they had already decided on in Decembe

Officers names released in fatal shooting incident

The Bremer County Attorney’s Office has released the names of law enforcement officers involved in a standoff and ultimately fatal shooting incident on Jan. 18.

Mercy implementing visitor restrictions due to flu bug

It doesn’t look like the flu bug is going away anytime soon.
Mercy Medical Center in New Hampton announced this week that due to the prevalence of influenza, the facility has implemented visitor restrictions. 

Suellen Kolbet named 2018 Heartland Days Grand Marshal

The Heartland Days Committee announced on Wednesday that Suellen Kolbet will be the 2018 Heartland Days Grand Marshall.
The committee planned to surprise Kolbet with the news, and it worked.

Prichard says water quality bill 'a step in right direction'

Last week, the Iowa Legislature sent a state water quality bill to Gov. Kim Reynolds for her signature.

Jazz Band values the experience

The New Hampton High School Jazz Band earned an “excellent” and two “good” ratings last Wednesday — and also gained some valuable experience — at the Iowa High School Music Association State Jazz Festival in Charles City.

Going Out In Style

Put simply, the Mishaks went out with a bang this past weekend.

Harris granted continuance, jury trial won't start until June

An Alta Vista mother accused of killing her four-month-old infant son last August has been granted a continuance in her murder trial, and her case won’t see the courtroom until June.

St. Joe's has plenty to celebrate

Ask Kim Hopp about what makes St. Joseph Community School special, and the resource teacher at New Hampton’s PreK-8 Catholic school will throw out a quote from Mary Poppins.
“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.”

Recess Certainly Matters

The good news today for school administrators and teachers is that there will be no need to worry about having to deal with an “indoor recess.”
The bottom line is that when kids can get outside and play, they learn more.

It's all about being kind for this area group

Imagine, you’re walking down the street, minding your own business, when all of the sudden — BAM!
Someone unexpectedly does something kind for you, for no apparent reason.
What do you do?

One vote really can matter

Remember sitting in those civics classes back in the day and the teacher telling you that every vote mattered when it came to election time?

Artist to bring eclectic work to Carnegie Cultural Center

The Carnegie Cultural Center in New Hampton will unveil its latest exhbit — one featuring the eclectic, retrospective collection of watercolor and oil paintings by an area artist who has been around for a long time — at the beginning of next month

Little Elma garners big attention

Headed north just across the Chickasaw County line, a stone’s throw into Howard County, you’ll come into the town of Elma. 
At first glance, you might think you’ve stumbled into nowhere.

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