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Well, that was a lot of fun!

New Hampton Rotary Club members weren’t quite sure what to expect last Thursday night.

UPDATE: Sanders closes the gap on 'Mayor Pete'

The winner of the Iowa caucuses remains up in the air as the latest results released by the Iowa Democratic Party show that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is closing the gap on South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

Lawmakers cover plenty of ground

They may be from different parties and serve in different chambers, but State Sen. Waylon Brown, R-St. Ansgar, and State Rep.

Burglary closes pharmacy for a day

Bennett Pharmacy was closed Monday after the store located at the intersection of New Hampton's Main Street and North Chestnut Street was apparently burglarized on Sunday night.

No Old Man Winter?

You know that adage about the third time is the charm?

Online love

After she agrees to marry the man of her dreams, then comes the photographers, caterers, dresses, flowers and many more details the bride-to-be has been planning since she was a little girl.

Telecommunications preparing its new home

Save for the yellow trim on the outside, it doesn’t look much like a Dollar General store.

Students at NHHS weigh in on marriage

Weddings are events that change with the times.

New Hampton sends eight to state speech

New Hampton had itself a day — and then some — at Saturday’s large-group district speech meet in Decorah.

Extravaganza is like Energizer Bunny

Go back in time to 2010 when Heather Maurer was first preparing for the Wedding Extravaganza.

New Hampton may start next school year with ‘short days’

The way the calendar falls and a state law that doesn’t allow school years to start before Aug. 23 has led to some creative ideas for the 2020-21 school calendar in New Hampton.

Vaping is topic at Chickasaw Connections Forum

One in four high school students. That’s how many the CDC’s new data has shown have vaped in the thirty days prior to the federal survey. It was facts like these that attendees of the Chickasaw Connections Community Forum on Friday night learned.

Caucuses are now less than a week away

A week from today [Tuesday], we will be free, for the politicians will have Iowa in their rear-view mirrors as they head to New Hampshire.

'Mayor Pete' to make stop in New Hampton Wednesday

The nation’s youngest presidential candidate will hold a town-hall meeting in New Hampton on Wednesday night.

Rosalyn may be slowing down, but retirement is not in the cards

Rosalyn Miller vividly remembers when she learned how to sew as a child growing up in northeast Iowa.
“I just loved it. I just knew it was an ‘aha’ moment – a lightbulb moment,” said Miller.

City taxes may drop a bit next year

The good news for New Hampton property owners is this: If their properties didn’t see their assessed valuation increase in the last year, they’re going to have a lower city property tax bill in 2020-21.

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