N-P Lions Club celebrates its 85th year

Lions Club International was started 100 years ago this year in Chicago, Ill., by a businessman named Melvin Jones. He asked a simple world changing question. "What if people put their talents to work improving their communities?"Jones contacted other groups and soon an organizational meeting was held. The Lions Club was formed. Three years later the club became an international club. Today, the Lions Club is in over 200 countries with 1.4 million members.The Lions Club works tirelessly to aid the blind and visually impaired as well as other humanitarian needs. Their goal is to help 200 million people each year.The Nashua-Plainfield Lions Club is in it's 85th year this year. The fish fry fundraisers help the club give to their community in scholarships, travel expenses for students, glasses, hearing aids for people in need as well as eye screening at the local schools. They help with disaster relief and environmental programs.For the complete story see the 2/23/2017 Nashua Reporter.