Mayor thanks council one last time Monday

“Thank you all for working with me since I came back,” said Mayor Deanne Lantow. Mayor Lantow wanted to thank all the Council members at Monday evening’s meeting since this will be her last one presiding as Mayor for the City of Nashua.
Once the votes are verified the new Mayor of Nashua will be able to start work right away. The elected City Council members will be starting on Jan. 1, 2016. The final auditor’s report is now done which the Mayor was happy about since this has been an ongoing issue.
The Nashua Police Department has been busy since two reserve officers have been sworn in and Travis Marvin reported they are looking at three more reserve officers also. They have made 16 arrests with 23 charges and 72 traffic citations. Marvin was also happy to report Police Chief Paul Becthold is expecting to be released in Jan. 2016.
In other news:
· Clarification is needed on Cedar Hill whether it is a street or an avenue. Residents who live or trying to buy property on this road need everyone within the City of Nashua and Chickasaw County to be on the same page when it comes to this road.
· Ryan Jung from Unggoy Broadband told the Council he has finished a quote for the new phone service and ready to start on this project. Mayor Lantow told Jung that everything on this project was tabled.
· City Councilman Bob Mehmen thanked Dan Zwanziger for all the hard work which went into getting the grate done by the Nashua-Plainfield High School parking lot.
· City Clerk Tabatha Caswell reported the progress on the building permit at 907 Jay St. She has been working on this with Chickasaw County and with a documents and conference calls this should be able to be cleared up with the family. No exterior work will be able to be done to the property until this has been settled.
· A committee was set up to hire a new Parks/Maintenance employee. This committee includes the new Mayor, Dan Zwanziger, City Councilmen Rolland Cagley and Richard Baldwin and City Clerk Tabatha Caswell. There are 13 applications the committee needs to go through applications and set up interviews with the top candidates.
· Wellmark Insurance will be renewed for the City employees.
· The bids were in for the exterior lights at City Hall and the Police Station and Demro Electric will be doing the work needed for the project.
· The Park Board will meet with the City Council on Nov. 16 to discuss projects for the next season.
The next City Council meeting will be on Nov. 16 with a new Mayor presiding.