Massage therapist joins chiropractic office

Massages are more than a way to relax and forget the troubles of the day. Massage therapists help relieve headaches, muscles tension and many more health issues which plaque people.Nashua Family Chiropractic has a new Massage Therapist Jenny Fox. She started working in May and will be available for appointments Monday through Friday.Fox became a Massage Therapist after realizing her dad’s outlook on life was better and he would experience a couple days of relief just by soaking his feet and giving him a foot rub. Now she has been a licensed Massage Therapist for a year and a half.She went to La’James International College in Cedar Falls for her training. “I was very happy with the instructor who was very informative,” said Fox. She is also a Massage Therapist in Fredericksburg around her schedule at Nashua Family Chiropractic.In her spare time she enjoys crocheting and spending time with her four children and two grandchildren. Fox is also a self proclaimed “Crazy Cat Lady” since she now has four cats she has adopted into her home.“I love to see the client feeling a lot better than when they came,” said Fox. One example would be a man which has Parkinson’s disease, when he comes in for his appointment he has a hard time with muscle control but when he walks out he has much more control.Pick from a 30 minute massage up to a 90 minute massage with or without the hot stones. Fox will also be offering ear candling soon.Call the Nashua Family Chiropractic office to schedule an appointment today at 435-2102 and let Fox help you forget the troubles of the day or any plaguing health issues.