ISU Extension to offer crop scout class on March 22 at Nashua farm

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will be offering a crop scout school on Wednesday, March 22, at the ISU Northeast Research Farm near Nashua in the meeting room of the Borlaug Learning Center.This is an all-day class specially designed for growers and crop scouts with limited scouting experience (0-2yrs). Live plants for weed ID and staging of corn and soybeans will be used for a hands-on learning experience in conjunction with a traditional lecture approach.Registration starts at 9 a.m., with the program beginning at 9:30 a.m., adjourning by 3:30 p.m. The main topics for the day include; corn & soybean growth and development, weed ID & herbicide injury, corn and soybean diseases, and insect identification. Instructors for the class will be your local ISU extension and outreach field agronomists — Terry Basol, Brian Lang, Meaghan Anderson, and Rebecca Vittetoe.The program is designed to enable those that attend to take the information given for the day and take it back home with them where they can directly apply it in the field during the upcoming growing season. Some comments from those that attended last year include; “Great content, good location, Well done”, “Had a great time, thanks for offering this program!”, and “Great handout material”. Registration fee of $75 covers lunch, materials, and refreshments for the day. Class size is limited to the first 30 paid registrants, so please register early to secure a seat.The registration form needs to be filled out and sent to the Borlaug Learning Center — postmarked no later than March 18th. For more information, contact Basol at 641-426-6801; email: