Golf Carts receive second reading

After a lengthy discussion, the golf cart ordinance received its second reading at the New Hampton City Council meeting on Monday.New Hampton Mayor Deb Larsen reported to the council that she received two emails since the last council meeting, one from the Waverly Police Department who said they have had no problems with their golf cart ordinance in town besides laziness by the drivers forgetting to put flags on thir vehicles, etc. The other email was from a resident of New Hampton that is in favor of the ordinance.Councilmember Cory McDonald had some concerns with the ordinance and said he owed Nick Noehl an explanation as to why he has been voting no.“He has put some work into this and has interest in this with his business,” said McDonald, praising Noehl for his work.McDonald said he had reached out to people and approached people like Mayor Larsen asked the council to do.“In my ward it is not even close,” he said of the majority against the ordinance. “I can count on one hand the number of yeses.”He said most of the reasoning is because of the safety issue.Councilmember Jill Eike seconded what McDonald is saying because that is what she is hearing as well.To this Noehl said golf carts won’t be the least safe things on the roads, with jeeps allowed that have no roofs or doors, moped usage in town at an all time high and even lawn mowers using city streets this time of year.For the complete story see the 8/5/2016 New Hampton Tribune.