Departments to get refund from health care reserve
The Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors directed County Attorney Jennifer Schwickerath on Monday to draft a resolution to transfer departmental funds that had been paid into a pre-2013 county health care reserve fund back to the departments.State Auditor’s Office staff had told two county supervisors and others in a conference call that this was a step toward declaring the reserve fund inactive. When the fund is inactive, the board could then transfer most of the remaining balance for a designated purpose — except for interest, which will go into the county’s General Basic fund.Funds to be transferred back and the respective departments, to the nearest dollar, include $419,846 to Secondary Roads, $22,155 to the Assessor’s Office, $11,642 to Mental Health, and $7,010 to General Supplemental from lawsuit proceeds from current provider Iowa Governmental Health Care Plan.— For more on this story, see the Oct. 5 New Hampton Tribune.