City gears up for the RAGBRAI invasion
Community members have banded together to prepare for the thousands of bikers that will be riding through New Hampton on July 27 for the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI).New Hampton RAGBRAI Committee chairs Julie Winter-Havel and Jason Speltz would like anyone thinking of being a vendor for that day to know they need to register as soon as possible by stopping by the New Horizons-Chamber office or calling them at 641-394-2021.Local vendors will be charged $50, local vendors that need electricity will be charged $100 and outside vendors will be charged $350.New Hampton Mayor Deb Larsen said the city is looking to have 20 outside vendors in town, which means the city would make about $7,000 to help cover expenses for the day including the porta potties.For the complete story see the 4/21/2017 New Hampton Tribune.