City Council returns home

The City Council is back at City Hall.After meeting at the Gateway to Northeast Iowa Welcome Center, council members held their first meeting of August “back home.”Council members received a barrage of feedback about holding the meetings at the Welcome Center, and most residents made themselves loud and clear when they said the meetings should be held at City Hall.Council members have now decided to try arranging the Council Chambers so people can hear better since many complain Council members “mumble” and that they’re hard to hear.The first meeting back at City Hall last Tuesday revealed that there are still many questions and concerns about the garbage and recycling totes which the city will be receiving for all residents in Nashua.City officials and leaders emphasized at Tuesday’s meeting that all residents need to contact City Hall about the size of the garbage totes they would like by Sept. 1.Any other questions or concerns can be answered at City Hall or by calling Jendro Sanitation, which has the garbage contract with the city.Also last week, Chickasaw County Public Health Administrator Kathy Babcock addressed the Council about providing health care services for Nashua residents in the comfort of their own homes.Babcock explained many of their different services like skilled nursing, home care aide, homemaker and medical social workers along with the physical, occupational and speech therapies also.Anyone who would like more information about these Chickasaw County programs can contact Babcock at (641) 394-4053 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. People can also email them at or check out their website at In other news:• MidAmerican Energy representatives Adam Streeter and Ron Paulus came to explain the Nashua’s Industrial Park lighting options. After much discussion it was decided businesses would have more options with the overhead lighting and it was cheaper for the City at $28,955. The project will begin in about a month.• Lyn Hites wanted Council members to know that Nashua has the highest tax rate for all of Chickasaw County at 34.6 percent. The closest town in Chickasaw County was Alta Vista with 30.5 percent.For the complete story see the 8/11/2016 Nashua Reporter.