City Council to meet via
The New Hampton City Council will hold its regular meeting this coming Monday, but it will do so via
Mayor Bobby Schwickerath, City Clerk Karen Clemens and City Attorney Kevin Kennedy will be in the Council Chambers at City Hall while the council members will participate via Zoom, as can residents.
Residents who want to “attend” the meeting should go to, type in the meeting ID, which is 898 745 312 and the password 477189.
Those who want to join the meeting by telephone can do so by calling one of the following numbers — 312-626-6799, 646-558-8656, 253-215-8782, 301-715-8592, 346-248-7799 or 720-707-2699.
The public can attend the meeting in person, but they must comply with the “6-foot social distancing protocol” and the city reserves the right to limit the number of people in the Council Chambers to 10.