City Council looks at sewer rates

Since filing for a Nutrient Reduction Strategy Plan the New Hampton City Council will be looking for an exemption from the DNR that would delay the city having to pay for a number of years.However, to receive exemptions, the DNR looks into the city’s sewer rates and New Hampton is below the state’s average.City Clerk Suellen Kolbet said if a city’s rates are lower than average then the DNR is less likely to grant the city and exemption.This strategy plan will cost in the millions of dollars and Kolbet stresses this is something the city needs to start saving up for.Suellen presented some options she had come up with but the council decided the project should be looked into by the sewer committee. That committee will then make a recommendation to the council.Waste Water Supervisor Tim Angell said many smaller towns have much higher rates than New Hampton and Councilmember Bruce Diiro agreed there may have to be a significant increase to get this project paid for.TRIBE Trail Committee Members Rick Kramer and Megan Gleason met with the council to inform them of updates happening within the committee.For the complete story see the 8/9/2016 New Hampton Tribune.