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Burglary closes pharmacy for a day

Lead Summary

Bennett Pharmacy was closed Monday after the store located at the intersection of New Hampton's Main Street and North Chestnut Street was apparently burglarized on Sunday night.
New Hampton Police Chief Zach Nosbisch said police were investigating the crime, which occurred around 9:30 p.m. Sunday and was reported about an hour later by a passing motorist, who noticed that the store’s Chestnut Avenue door was smashed open.
Nosbisch said an undetermined amount of cash was taken, and Bennett’s pharmacist Tom Rasmussen said the store “was rummaged through” and that employees were working to find out if anything else was missing. He added the store will reopen for regular business hours.
“We’ve just started so I don’t have a ton I can tell you,” Nosbisch said, “but we obviously want to figure out what happened and apprehend whoever did this.”
Nosbisch said anyone who was in the downtown area Sunday evening or who has any information that would be helpful should call the Police Department at 641-394-3241.
The building that houses Bennett's has been a pharmacy for more than 100 years and was owned by Jim and Ann Bennett for 40 years. In 2019, the couple sold the store to Mark Vogt of Vogt Phamacies, a Nebraska company that owns several independent pharmacies in Iowa and Nebraska. It is the lone pharmacy remaining in the city, which just a few years ago had three drugstores.
— For more on this story, refer back to and see next week's Tribune

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