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Area being blasted by heat and humdity

Lead Summary

The heat is definitely on in Northeast Iowa, and Chickasaw County is under an excessive heat warning until 7 p.m. on Saturday.
After a relatively cool start to the day, temperatures climbed into the upper 80s in New Hampton by mid-afternoon and throw in a tropical-like dew point of 79 degrees, the heat index rose into the 100s.
And it’s not going to cool off that much on Thursday night as low temperatures are expected to be in the mid-70s before heat index values will rise to as high as 110 on Friday.
Thunderstorms are also possible Thursday night, Friday night and into Saturday.
But the good news is the heat wave won’t last long; in fact, by Sunday, the National Weather Service is forecasting high temperatures will be in the upper 70s and stay there for the first couple of days of the work week.
Still, until the scorching temperatures and high humidity, medical professionals are reminding residents that's important that they stay hydrated and watch for signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
—By Bob Fenske

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