Annual Al Baxter Memorial Turkey Shoot set for Aug. 28

The sixth annual Al Baxter Memorial Turkey Shoot will be much the same as the fifth annual Al Baxter Memorial Turkey Shoot.“We keep the same stuff because it works,” said Jo [Baxter] Myrsiades.”Keeping the tradition started by her late husband, the annual event will be held at the Fredericksburg Sportsmen’s Club this Sunday, Aug. 28, from noon until 4 p.m.“It’ll be a fun day, and we’ll shoot rain or shine,” Myrsiades said. “So tell people to come out and enjoy the day. Even if they don’t want to shoot, they can watch and we’ll have food there.” The lunch will be a free-will donation. There is a Plan B in case of inclement weather, with indoor games on tap.There will be nominal fees to enter the shooting events and the proceeds will fund scholarships for students at New Hampton and Sumner-Fredericksburg.“We’ll have a 50-target derby and other games for meat prizes. People have been very generous by giving their prizes back to the scholarship fund, so that’s been nice too.” The goal for the scholarship is $1,000, last year the family was able to dish out $750. “We’re hoping next year we have a lot more applicants,” said Myrsiades.There will also be a kids shoot and ladies shoot. A gun raffle will be held, and in all there are 40 prizes.The Fredericksburg Sportsmen’s Club is located near Boyd.