Ambulance Council OKs new contract
The Chickasaw County Ambulance Council voted 4-3 to sign a new contract with the Chickasaw Ambulance Service.Voting for the contract, and saying the county needs an ambulance, was Derek Day, Steve Geerts, who said he was voting yes on behalf of the Board of Supervisors, Mark Mueterthies and Amy Laures.Council members Shain Kroenecke, Deb Larsen and David Geerts voted against the contract.The new contract contains new verbiage with Chickasaw Ambulance Owner Jeremy McGrath saying some of the wording in the contract was the reason for him losing a Civil Case in court.Assistant County Attorney Mark Huegel and McGrath’s attorney, Nate Schwickerath, had worked on the contract together to come up with something they were both comfortable with.For the complete story see the 1/13/2017 New Hampton Tribune.