Accident reminds all to pay attention to rules of the road
On Tuesday afternoon authorities were called to Lawler for a train-tractor accident. Ralph Reicks, of Lawler, failed to yield at a train crossing. There was one injury, that turned out to be pretty minor, thankfully. Chickasaw County Sheriff Deputy Reed Palo was on the scene and said it was a simple case of a person not looking before entering the tracks.“The town is wrapped around the train tracks,” said Palo, “ and unfortunately we all get lost in thought at times and forget our surroundings.”Palo said there have been quite a few train vs. vehicle accidents in the county and luckily, most of the accidents have been fortunate with no loss of life.“We just have to remember that trains are not going to stop,” said Palo. “They don’t have the ability to change speed in a hurry.”