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Garbage, recycling tote program leaves residents confused

Lead Summary

There have been many discussions about the new garbage and recycling totes leaving some wondering when the citizens will have their new totes or if they are still going to start the program. This issue was brought up with the former Council and was not approved.On Jan. 18 Nick Henningsen addressed the newly elected Council about talking to Jendro Sanitation about the garbage and recycling totes for Nashua residents instead of using the yellow bags which residents currently use. At that time Council decided this would be discussed at a later time.Four months later Jendro Sanitation came to the May 2 City Council meeting to discuss the option of Nashua going with the totes instead of the yellow garbage bags. Jendro Sanitation explained if the Council wanted a bid it would include weekly recycling with a 35 gallon blue tote and a green garbage tote which each household would choose from a 35, 65 or 95 gallon.The Council was also informed that Jendro Sanitation will be requiring totes by all residents soon since there is the issue of workmen’s compensation insurance for the company.The next City Council meeting on May 16 the Council voted for the garbage and recycling totes for each household. It was decided the City would have recycling every other week and each household would receive a 65 gallon blue tote and residents could contact City Hall to decide on a size for their green garbage tote which would be picked up every week.For the complete story see the 9/29/2016 Nashua Reporter.

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