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December may be busy, but it really is an exciting month

December is full of running around to school concerts, basketball games, holiday parties — and I love it! Tis the season for time of celebration, isn’t it? Busy is my favorite state to be in and holiday parties are always something I look forward to — seeing people we don’t see enough, only in meetings, meetings, meetings! Holiday gatherings are a time to better get to know coworkers and peers on a personal level — I know I have learned a thing or two from parties I have attended thus far. The Christmas season is a time to think of our loved ones and how to make them extra special happy this year. Bring a little extra joy to their lives whether it be just your presence or something you think they could use. Celebrations, getting dressed up and gifts — what could be more fun! This year I have invested in some festive wear that I will wear continuously until the holidays are over. I’m usually the one that has some pretty outrageous gifts as well — you may not need it but I think you will enjoy it, some day anyways! They usually bring a smile to the receivers face anyways. And can we talk light displays for a minute? There are some pretty incredible homes out there that have gone out and should be viewed — so take a minute and drive around town. I admit I didn’t go all out this year on my own home — but it’s not too shabby if I do say so myself, most of you won’t ever see it sadly — being in the middle of the country and all. One thing I have done a lot of this year are attending Christmas pageants with covering some for the newspaper and going to some to see my nieces and nephews perform! I just love seeing how excited the young ones, and sometimes even the older ones, get when they dress up and get to perform in front of a packed gym — and I do mean packed! — of their families and friends. You can see the pride radiating out of the students as they sing their favorite tunes and ones they have been working on for weeks. Actions put to the songs as well as costumes have added to the performances and get the kids all the more into their singing and acting. Seeing parents with their cameras and video cameras so they can capture these moments forever — and tease the children with them later — just makes the experience all the more exciting!

Thank you for reading!

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