Daffodil Days has special meaning for florist

Spring is on its way and with that, the sale of daffodils to benefit the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Chickasaw County.Julie Winter-Havel went into the floral business with her mother, Sharon Winter, 21 years ago. The pair also volunteered to take on the County Relay for Life from Ruth Bernatz. Eleven years ago, Sharon lost her battle with cancer.Winter-Havel is again participating in the Cancer Society fundraiser, Daffodil Days.“Why I continue to do it: I believe it has a direct impact on county residents,” Winter-Havel said, noting that daffodils symbolize support for the fighters, applause for the survivors, remembrance for the taken and belief.“It brings a lot of hope, when you donate something nice, to get something back,” Winter-Havel said.— For more on this story, see the Feb. 26 New Hampton Tribune.