CSS Board seeks to recover funds from departing county

The County Social Services 28E Governing Board earlier this month heard from its attorney regarding mediation with Kossuth County and turned down the proposal in order to seek a state audit or arbitration to recover $315,791 in remaining funds the region claims it is owed.Chickasaw County Supervisor Jacob Hackman, a representative to the CSS Board, updated the Board of Supervisors last week on the status of the dispute with Kossuth County and other counties that sought to secede to mental health service regions other than CSS.Kossuth, Winnebago and Worth counties gave an appropriate notice to leave the CSS region under the sharing agreement, CSS Chief Executive Officer Bob Lincoln told the Board of Supervisors in December.Steve Weidner, CSS attorney, updated the CSS Board on the status of the counties that have attempted to leave the region by presenting a letter he addressed to the counsel for the Northwest Iowa Care Connections region that Kossuth County wants to join.— For more on this story, see the Feb. 19 New Hampton Tribune.