Chickasaws endure miserable Drake Relays

It’s supposed to be one of the highlights of the track season, but New Hampton’s appearance in the 2017 Drake Relays was memorable for all the wrong reasons. “It was miserable,” coach Jeanette Laures said. “In all the years we’ve gone to Drake, I don’t think we had a more cold, rainy day than we did this year.” The Chickasaws competed in two events — Darian Wegner in the long jump and the 4x100 — but they didn’t get to enjoy the usual best part of Drake. “It’s not just competing there that makes Drake, Drake,” Laures said, “but it’s being able to watch all those great athletes. It was so cold and rainy, however, we couldn’t even do that. We’d run out and watch five or 10 minutes and then go back in to get warm.” Results of the relays may be found in the May 2 Tribune.