Alta Vista Days delivers a heck of a good time

Alta Vista celebrated Saturday — well, actually the whole weekend — with Alta Vista Days that included a parade, children's activities, live music and a softball tournament.
Jerome and Fran Boehmer were the grand marshals of the parade and rode behind a flag detail of VFW members of Alta Vista.
Gerald Reiss, David Haeflinger, Jim Geerts, Glen Geerts, Josh Douglas and Adam Burgart led the parade as part of the color guard carrying both the American flag and a VFW flag.
Boehmer was able to furnish a convertible for himself and his wife to ride in as Grand Marshals.
As a veteran and member of the VFW, Boehmer usually is in the parade leading with the VFW. He served in the military from 1952 to 1954.
— For more on this story, see the June 6 Tribune