Change is part of life but God is ‘constant’

Good day, fellow Christians and what a day it is!I woke up this morning to a cold, rainy, damp and dark morning, but I “woke up!” Thank you, Lord for another day to do your work in the world. Don’t you just love living in Iowa? I do! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy Haiti in January, for obvious reasons, but we enjoy all the colors and the change of seasons Iowa has to offer. The change in temperatures, sometimes drastic from day to day … so, does that make God’s children, from Iowa, open to change like the temperatures or seasons? I laugh at the word “change” ... this word can be a curse word to some. A motivational idea in some, or just a word somewhere in the middle to others.I enjoy change, depending on what it is. Say, when my wife makes something different for supper (by the way, I enjoy food A LOT!), this is a good change. When my wife says, “Let’s move the bedroom or living room furniture around” ... yeah … not so good of a change for me. I am sure, in your life, you struggle with the same issues. One thing stays constant though. God is never changing, never leaving, forever and ever ... Amen! So go from season to season, temperature change to sunshine and rain; even snow, and know that God wants you, your love, your praise, your faithfulness, and even sometimes change to be more like Him.•••••Paul Pickar is the pastor of the Congregational United Church of Christ in New Hampton.