Light Plant dons pink hats to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month

If you pass a New Hampton Light Plant employee working on a power line or trimming a tree these days, don’t look twice.Yes, those hard hats are pink.October is Breast Cancer Awareness and the “color” marking breast cancer is pink, and a few weeks ago, Light Plant employees Craig Mai, Mark Andera and Matthew Madery attended classes put on by the Iowa Municipal Utility Association in Ankeny.There the three learned about a program sponsored by 3M to raise $15,000 for the American Cancer Society. The Minnesota-based company, which makes insulated tape and apparatuses for the utility industry, is donating the proceeds from the sale of pink hard hats.“By OSHA standards, we have to maintain hard hats by replacing them every so often,” Light Plant General Manager Brian Quirk said, “and the guys talked it over and said why not?”For the complete story see the 10/18/2016 New Hampton Tribune.