Right off the bat, Waukon had some advantages over New Hampton Friday.
Even though the Chickasaws played to a first-quarter 13-13 tie against the Indians, Waukon used those advantages to pull away for a 48-32 win.
Margerete Matilda (Tillman) Stammeyer entered into her eternal rest on Nov. 30, 2017 at the New Hampton Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, New Hampton.
The New Hampton School Board awarded winning bids totaling more than $12.65 million to contractors Tuesday night, and the district superintendent said the bidding process, which created controversy when it was announced, will save New Hampton hund
Although it seems strange to see people in New Hampton, Iowa pushing lawn mowers and taking bike rides at the beginning of December, meteorologist Jeff Boyne says that although it isn’t exactly normal, it isn’t all that unusual, either.
The Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors gave Chickasaw County Veteran’s Affairs director Lindsay Zenner a raise during a relatively calm and quiet weekly meeting Monday at the court house.