Board will ‘pre-levy’ for radio project
The Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors last week approved a resolution authorizing a “pre-levy” before bond issuance, so the county can levy a tax to pay for it.In the published budget just more than $522,000 was budgeted for “debt service.” The tax asking is 61 cents per $1,000 for both urban and rural county ratepayers and it was discussed as bringing in $518,000, so in that range.The resolution was a formality saying the county was in favor of the project.A resolution could be done Mondays, Feb. 4 or Feb. 11, but “If not today or the 11, it won’t be on the tax asking,” Auditor Joan Knoll said. “Do we ask the taxpayers to pay now or wait another year? … [To wait a year] you’re losing the ability to spend the money.”— For more on this story, see the Feb. 12 New Hampton Tribune.