Achievement Show wraps up with crowning of queen

The annual 4-H and FFA Achievement Show wrapped up this Sunday with the family BBQ and queen coronation taking place at the fairgrounds.The horse show, that took place Sunday morning, saw quite a bit of rain and had to be moved to the show arena but by 7 p.m. the usual July weather made its way back into the county for a warm night.Fair volunteer Joanne Tupper said the BBQ stayed steady throughout the night and there were over 400 tickets pre-sold for the meal.As for the moment all that gathered were waiting for - this year’s 2016-2017 Chickasaw County Fair Queen is Allison Wehling and runner up was named Marissa Fuerstenberg.Allison Wehling, daughter of Larry and Rhonda Wehling attends Sumner-Fredericksburg High School and is active in the S-F Lucky Clovers, County Council and coaches the Sumner Swim Team.Wheling said it feels amazing to be chosen and she is most excited to attend a lot of the fair shows and represent Chickasaw County at the Iowa State Fair.“I can’t wait to meet new people,” said Wheling about the Iowa State Fair competition.For the complete story see the 7/18/2016 New Hampton Tribune.